
2013 PSP Chicago Practice at Boneyard Paintball

Playing PSP Chicago?? 
Come to Boneyard Paintball for the Chicago layout with great prices!!
2013 full sized PSP airball field (120 x 150)

$15 Entry and all day air
$40 a case of paint <---- span="" wow="">

June 8-9 
Saturday June 8th: 12pm-4pm
Sunday June 9th: 9am- 4pm 

June 15-16 
Saturday June 15th: 12pm-4pm
Sunday June 16th: 9am- 4pm 

*Prices only apply to the team practice on airball field*

Check out http://boneyardpaintball.com/ for more information or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BoneyardPaintball

1 comment:

  1. We will organize practices when we can, and post events that we will/should be playing/competing in. And most of all, we will not be too serious and have fun because in the end, we will all just be a bunch of Oddballs.
